Image of Dana Errico

Dana Errico

Licensed Massage Therapist #18KT00772900 Dana studied massage therapy at the Somerset School of Massage Therapy. She has been practicing massage therapy since graduating in 2003. Dana's massage style is deeply relaxing, with a structurally based, healing approach. Her basic massage technique incorporates the flowing strokes of Swedish Massage with Deep Tissue, Trigger Point and Myofascial Release. Dana's success in the field comes from her devotion to meet each individual client’s needs, her ability to asses their ever-changing health goals and communicate effectively with them for optimum results. Dana has been trained in the following specific massage modalities: Swedish, Myofascial Release, Deep Tissue, Trigger Point, Sports, Pre-and Perinatal Massage, Reflexology and Hot Stone Massage. Dana specializes in Myofascial Release, Deep Tissue and Trigger Point Massage for the management of chronic neuromuscular pain and soft tissue injuries and dysfunction.




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